Allison has spent 19+ years of her life studying the formation of imagination and working it out on a daily basis amidst the brew-haha of raising and educating four children. Mostly this has looked like thousands of hours of good literature and music, endless free play outdoors, and the ever-character-building habits of training four children to keep a home tidy and efficient. Her endless fount of ideas (most of which never see the light of day) mean that the children are used to big visions, disciplined efforts, and repentant hearts when it all falls apart. Her vision for Rooted is Grace is entrenched in the belief that the Kingdom of God is at hand and that Christian families are called to be tangible reflections of this theological truth. Orthodoxy + orthopraxy = family culture.
She is firmly committed to the principle that Christians are people of the Word and thus ought to be people of words. Poetry, literature, music — all of these form the very foundations of our homes and imaginations for what the future ought to be, and likewise trigger the longing (C.S. Lewis’ concept of sehnsucht) for our ultimate, eternal home. Twin truths undergird what language and music can accomplish: Augustine’s understanding that the human heart must be trained to have rightly ordered affections and Luther’s claim that next to the Word of God, music is the most powerful thing in shaping a human heart.
Her vision for Rooted in Grace is to weave together a magical, formative experience for affections to be shaped, loves to be revived, and minds to be moved to action.
Favorite authors: Jane Austen, Charles Dickens, John Calvin, C.S. Lewis, Elizabeth Goudge, St. Augustine, Charlotte Bronte, Wendell Berry, Leif Enger, Dorothy L. Sayers
Christopher, Chief Financier & and One-Man Stage Crew
Chris’ title above is apt but understated. He works harder than any man we know to provide the lessons, coaching, instruments, gear, and opportunities for our shows to take flight. While he is largely behind the scenes at any Rooted in Grace show, his heart is 100% invested in the calling God has placed on his family.
Favorite authors: David McCullough, Charles Dickens, C.S. Lewis